Welcome to Live Infinity

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We walk together in the transpersonal developement and changes towards a healthy lifestyle.

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Next events:

Spiritual Trip to India

Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat in a traditional Ashram.

Buddhism classes in the Tibetan town, with great teachers.

2 – 11 de Octuber 2024.

Join us!

Nuevas constelaciones

Círculo Sagrado

New Family Constelations Group Session, in spanish.

Saturday 2nd November

10:00 Perú / 17:00 Norway

More info here.

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Train your Mind, Transform your Life.

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Live Infinity Calendar for every Season

A program for making positive changes in our lifestyle: towards healthy eating, regular physical activity and finding peace.

Give continuity to the changes you want to establish in our daily routine.

1:1 Sessions

Find clarity in your path, find emotional stability and have a healthy life.

A space to accompany you in your particular needs.

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New Family Constellations Group or Individual Sessions.

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A deep dive to disconnect and connect with yourself.

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We are eternal students. Learning allows us to open our minds and expand consciousness.

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