Meet Live Infinity

Live Infinity is

A Community

that accompanies you

to let go old patterns

and venerate changes in your lifestyle.

Changes that bring well-being 

to your body,

your mind 

and your systems.


Provide tools for the expansion of consciousness and well-being of the body and mind. Heal old patterns and open the mind to new possibilities, promoting positive decisions and actions for the individual and their environment.


Inspire people to make significant changes in their lifestyle to achieve general and lasting well-being.

Our values

In our work we apply:

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Good humor is essential for success. We celebrate achievements and we don't take things so seriously.

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An open Mind and Heart means not assuming or having prejudices. Everyone is welcome. We do not have a religion or political orientation.

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Through each person's process, knowing that it is unique. We all have a different body, mind and path. Therapies and Routines are created ad hoc.

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Holistic approach

We are interconnected and the vision of each service goes beyond just addressing a symptom. We seek a vision that encompasses the needs of each person 360°


Dariella Scavino

Finishing a Master in Business I decided that my thesis would be my future business and lifestyle.

So I founded Centro Shams, a wellness center in Lima where we taught yoga, meditation and Arabic dance classes.

After leaving Corporate life, studying Mindfulness, Psychotherapy and Yoga in Asia and Spain, I had clarity about the scope of this space, which is now a community where together we walk towards the expansion of consciousness.

My vision is a world where each individual, from their place, achieves peace of mind and generates a positive impact on their environment.

The beginning

I founded a Yoga and Oriental Dance Center in Miraflores (Lima, Peru) in 2011 while still working in the corporate world. It was called the Shams Center.

In 2015 I bought a house where the space was expanded and the services were expanded: Meditation, Coaching and INNER Management and Mindfulness Courses.


Lots of travels.

In 2016 I left my job at the Bank behind and until 2019 I went around the world 3 times, organized retreats in India, specialized in Transpersonal, New Family Constellations, and began teaching courses in Companies in Peru.

Live Infinity

Thanks to the support of a group of clients in 2017 I found the name that represents this company:

The paths are infinite. 

We are infinitely different.

Wisdom is infinite.

The love is infinite.

Understanding this, the impermanence and ultimate reality of everything, is living the infinite, it is Live Infinity.

New Home

Since 2020 I moved to Norway and now I work from one of the oldest cities: Horten.

I registered the company here, and they continue the same services for Norway and the world!

Online Community

The trust of my clients motivates me to offer more and more: now we grow together.

Routines, Retreats and Therapeutic Circles for Well-being.

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Train your Mind, Transform your Life.

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Wellbeing pillars

Healthy nutrition

Regular physical activity

Peace of Mind

A life with purpose

Join Live Infinity Community

I invite you to walk and grow together.

Write to me on Social Media or send me a message through Contacto.