Oppdag Balanse og Velvære Gjennom Ayurveda

Stressful lifestyles, hormonal changes, diet, and aging contribute to imbalances in our body and mind. Ayurveda explains how these imbalances start and offers dietary guidelines, daily routines, relaxation techniques, rejuvenation, or detox therapies to restore balance through natural medicine.

An Ayurvedic consultation is both educational and healing for physical health and mental wellness, offering a deeper connection to your conscious awareness.

Learn how to use the wisdom of Ayurveda to keep yourself in balance.

During your first session I will run a test to identify your body and mind condition following ayurvedic principles.

Holistic Health

Our 2-hour initial session explores your physical health, mental/emotional wellness, and unconscious mind.

Experience deep relaxation through singing bowls and meditation techniques.

Receive personalized practices and recommendations to restore balance.

Follow-up sessions help you maintain progress.

How is an holistic session?


My approach is to begin by discussing your symptoms and the reason for your visit thoroughly.

I use various techniques such as psychotherapy, constellations, and body energy alignment to access your unconscious mind, where the root cause of your problems may lie.

I will work with you to identify the best therapy for your unique situation.

During the first session we will spend more time so I can identify your body and mind nature, also called Prakriti in Ayurveda.

Yoga props

You may relax in restorative yoga or the vibrations of the singing bowls. So despite it is not necessary: wearing comfortable cloth could be convenient.

It is essential to note that although these therapies can be life-changing, they do not replace medical treatment.

I prioritize your physical and mental health and believe that this approach is the most effective way to initiate healing from deep within.

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Addressing all aspects of your well-being

This type of therapy can help you address both physical and mental concerns simultaneously, using a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of our bodies, emotions, and thoughts.



Personalized treatment

We will explore a variety of techniques and practices that can help you release tension, reduce stress, anxiety, find the root of sickness or afflictions and cultivate greater self-awareness and self-compassion.

Tibetan singing bowls

Unique needs

Depending on your individual needs and preferences toghether with working on an unconcsious mid level,  you might try techniques such as yoga, pranayama, guided meditation, reiki, or tibetan singing bowls.

Long term

Not only can these therapies help you feel better in the moment, but they can also promote long-term health and wellness by helping you develop healthy habits and coping strategies that you can use throughout your life.

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The price depends on the package:

1st Session (90 min – 2 hours) kr 1.000

Following session/s (60 min) kr 800.

2nd session is Free during 2024.

Package of 4 Sessions kr. 3.500.

This is a private practice without refund by the Norwegian health service. This means that you will have to pay the full fee for each session.

A scheduled session must be cancelled at least 48 hours before, or it will be fully charged.


Dariella Scavino, Psychotherapist, Constellator, Yoga teacher, Reiki II, and Ayurveda practitioner with 9 years of experience.

Sessions held at Live Infinity Wellbeing Home

Smieveien 2, Horten, Norway.

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