INNER Management


If you are looking to develop a conscious living and understand how your mind works, 

this course-therapy combines psychology and spiritual practices.


Our thoughts and emotions can create suffering and disease. With resources from within we can tame our mind.

Living a purposeful life means knowing yourself deeply and being consistent in what you do, think, and say.

What motivates you?

We are going to explore the self and Consciousness so that you know and master your internal resources.

The resources to manage our emotions and be happy are within.

I walk by your side in the journey to INNER Peace.

To enjoy the journey of life.

  • The Mind.
  • My identity.
  • Anger management.
  • Stress relief.
  • Loving kindness.
  • Mindfulness.
  • Life purpose.
  • How to integrate all this in daily life.

This course includes:

7 private sessions
(1 hour)

Guided Meditations​

INNER Management material and recommended lectures.

Certificate of Participation

Calm the mind, reduce stress and develope self-awareness.

7 Sessions
with me!

vÍA Zoom

Online connection, from wherever you are!

In person

You are welcome to have the sessions in my space in Horten.


Dariella Scavino

Worked more than 11 years in bank and been through a lot of pressure and stress.

I created this program after traveling the globe and experience in myself what I have learned on buddhism, psychology, ayurveda and yoga.

You can read about me in:

"Thank you very much Dariella for this inner journey that has allowed me to reconnect with my inner child that I had so forgotten. In addition, the different meditations that we have practiced during the sessions have also allowed me to integrate into my life aspects of my personal and family life that were shattered inside me. Finally, it has also been very enriching to find that space for reflection to learn more about my potentialities and desires, which has helped me make important decisions in my current professional life. Thank you very much for your closeness, sensitivity and professionalism. Namaste!"
IM 1

We are going to explore the Self and Consciousness so that you know and master your internal resources.


It is designed to take your time, to self-investigate despite being immersed in the work or personal maelstrom, and to get to know yourself better. I think it is necessary to look inside because outside you will not find the harmony and calm that you need.


We will understand and practice this mindfulness attitude. You will learn the deep meaning of letting go, turning the page and living fully in the present.


You will understand how to turn meditation and mindfulness into a permanent state. You will know the power of habits and how to make important changes in your life towards emotional and mental balance.


We will observe the mind and understand how it works and the power of thoughts.


Understanding of our internal resources, of your self-worth and the importance of the inner look. You will understand your life purpose.

CC: English subtitles available.

"Dari, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to start this new internal journey that helps me observe and identify my reality with acceptance, love, compassion and above all without judging. Each session has been very valuable since it has increased in me the awareness of my own internal and external experiences, helping me to deal adequately with any difficulty. Thank you Dari for lighting my way, for being my guide every moment, for your valuable time and for giving me the tools to find my peace. For me it is a great start and a path that I want to continue."
IM 1
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The total price of INNER Management I is NOK 4.900.-

Consult price and attention to Latinoamerica.

Living a purposeful life means knowing yourself deeply and being consistent in what you do, think, and say.

You will understand your real motivation  behind every action.

We are going to explore the self and Consciousness so that you know and master your internal resources.

We are going to explore our main goals in life and answer this questions:

1. How does my mind work?

2. Who am I?

3. How to act in a challenging situation?

4. What motivates us?

5. What do I get attached to?

6. How do I focus my attention?

7. What is my purpose?

We will coordinate after your registration the best time that suits both of us!

Check availability here.

This course can be done in English or Spanish.


Live Infinity accompanies you after the course...

A program for making positive changes in our lifestyle: towards healthy eating, regular physical activity and finding peace.

Give continuity to continue cultivating INNER Management.

A deep dive to disconnect, connect with yourself and continue  practicing I.M.

Read more.

We are eternal students. Learning allows us to open our minds and expand consciousness.

In the following courses we delve deeper into the unconscious and your family system.

Read more